This simple and effective knitting lace pattern is both airy and voluminous. It is easy to make but your knitting project will look so intricate.
To perfectly design this knitting lace pattern, the pattern repeat is 2 loops wide and 2 rows high. The reason why this pattern is peculiar is that it is knitted with different sizes. This is knitted with fine yarn, knitting number 9 and knitting number 2
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Watch this free video tutorial in English subtitles to learn how to make this knitting lace pattern.
Tips on making Knitting Lace Pattern
You will also use knitting number 7 and needles number 2. For every 160 meters of this pattern, you will use 50 grams of yarn. This knitting lace pattern is an incredibly airy, voluminous mesh connected in an interesting way because of these strange materials so make sure you obtain all of these before beginning!
In short, this knitting lace pattern consists of casting on 11sts, multiple of 2 + 1 + 2 edges.
Row 1: edge, * p1, k1b *, p1, edge. Row 2: edge, k1b, * p1, k1b *, edge. Repeat 1-2 rows.
This airy mesh knitting pattern looks great on the front and on the wrong side, even though it is not double sided! Knitting is very easy. The video tutorial knits in the classic method of knitting a crossed front loop over the back wall.
If you tend to use the “grandmother’s way” when knitting stitches, then you need to knit the crossed front loop over the front wall.
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Tutorial and photos of this pattern by: Вязаные Идеи.
Hello I tried this stitch with some waste yarn. It is a very nice and easy stitch.
But what do you mean with “If you tend to use the “grandmother’s way” when knitting stitches, then you need to knit the crossed front loop over the front wall.”?
Thanks in advance for a reply.
What do you mean when you say “grandmother’s way” for how you knit? I am not familiar with that term. Thank you for the pattern.
This design is very nice & volumes. I done one approximately 120” long scarf The colour is from black to grey to white. It was beautiful. Thin & little furry.